The totally cool, totally awesome, total solar eclipse web site.
Winner of the Griffith Observatory
Star Award for July 5-11 1998.
Sponsored "totally" by Versacorp (TM, SM).
Eclipse Articles & Papers by Jeffrey R. Charles:
Need images or information about eclipses for your planetarium, motion picture, expedition, or other project? Jeffrey R. Charles performs science consulting in regard to eclipse phenomena and instrumentation. Please direct inquiries to Jeffrey R. Charles (jcharles *at* or click here for more information about total solar eclipse related science and engineering consulting.
Links to Other Eclipse & Astronomy Sites
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Need information about eclipses for your planetarium, motion picture, or other project? Jeffrey R. Charles performs science consulting in regard to eclipse phenomena and instrumentation. Please direct inquiries to Jeffrey R. Charles (jcharles *at* or click here for more information about total solar eclipse related science and engineering consulting.
Links to Other Eclipse & Astronomy Sites
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EclipseMovie Contents:
Registered Copyright MCMXCVIII by Jeffrey R. Charles. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
EclipseMovie Home Page (
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Eclipse Images by Jeffrey R. Charles: The following links are for eclipse images that are a part of this web site. Images of a given subject are typically grouped in tables which include appropriate captions. A few of the images show interesting people and places encountered on each expedition. Most tables are only 460 to 650 pixels wide, so they should be viewable on most screens. Some images are also referenced in various eclipse articles at the EclipseChaser web page. Licensing inquiries for images at this site (and for higher resolution versions) may be directed to sales *at*
Need information about eclipses for your planetarium, motion picture, or other project? Jeffrey R. Charles performs science consulting in regard to eclipse phenomena and instrumentation. Please direct inquiries to Jeffrey R. Charles (jcharles *at* or click here for more information about total solar eclipse related science and engineering consulting.
Links to Other Eclipse & Astronomy Sites
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Astro Images by Jeffrey R. Charles: The following links are for astronomy images that are a part of this web site. Images of a given subject are typically grouped in tables which include appropriate captions. Most tables are only 460 pixels wide, so they should be viewable on most screens. Some images are also referenced in various articles at the EclipseChaser web page. Licensing inquiries for images at this site may be directed to: sales *at* versacorp dot com.
Links to Other Eclipse & Astronomy Sites
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Airborne Astronomy & Optical Communication, Astrophotography, Comets, Model Railroading, Unusual Darkroom Techniques, Wide Angle Photography, & Other Cool Stuff
Technical Articles & Papers by Jeffrey R. Charles:
Books and Multimedia By Versacorp or Versacorp Personnel | |
Books | Books / CDs / Video |
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Practical Astrophotography, a book by Jeffrey R. Charles (ISBN 1-85233-023-6) Published by: Springer-Verlag as Part of the "Practical Astronomy" Series. Available at popular book stores, including Border Books / This informative book captures the effective ways Jeffrey Charles learned astrophotography, sometimes through trial and error. Included are many tips about photography of planets, nebulae, eclipses, and more, plus a sample check list for travel and an astrophotography exposure guide. Covers use of a wide range of telescopes and camera lenses, but focuses on what can be done with small aperture scopes because these are what many people have. It emphasizes film photography (written before digital astrophotography was very affordable), but many of its tips also apply to digital imaging. If you like astrophotography related articles at this web site, you'll really like this book! |
Eclipse Chaser's Guide to ...WOW by Jeffrey R. Charles CD: Navagable CD of Eclipse Chaser web site, plus high resolution 360 deg. VR eclipse site images. (Updated version should be available late 2018.) Video: An eclipse video is unlikely, partly because the first 4 eclipses were shot in analog SD video, and there is little 2017 footage of anything but the eclipse itself. A 2-hour digitally edited chronicle of 5 total solar eclipse expeditions had been planned. If a video is made, it may just be posted on a video site, preceded by video ad, but not banner overlays. Book: A hard copy book is unlikely, partly because printing costs are high for a book with images that could rival large HDTV and computer displays. Available now from Versacorp: CD: EclipseChaser web site (with extra images): $19.95 including CONUS shipping. An updated version (larger pix) may be available in late 2018. Click HERE to see larger image of CD cover. Prices and availability subject to change w/o notice. |
Need information about eclipses for your planetarium, motion picture, or other project? Jeffrey R. Charles performs science consulting in regard to eclipse phenomena and instrumentation. Please direct inquiries to Jeffrey R. Charles (jcharles *at* or click here for more information about total solar eclipse and astronomy related engineering consulting and optical instrumentation.
Links to Other Eclipse & Astronomy Sites
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Eclipse Publications by Other Authors:
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What people are saying about Jeff Charles' award winning EclipseChaser web site:
"A goldmine of solar eclipse information and images from a dedicated eclipse chaser and former NASA engineer."
"Just saw your Eclipse Chasers Page! Great site! Very interesting!"
"You must be down to about the second joint on your fingers after all of the work that you have done on your TWO web pages! Very nice, I am impressed."
"I sure have enjoyed your Mazatlan journal, you write beautifully! It was so well written that it raised my pulse."
"Your eclipse image is fantastic! How did you do that?! Please tell me how I can do that!"
"I looked at - very impressive, and fast!"
"Great pages! Thanks for doing it! Awesome!"
"An aficionado's dream come true. Expedition planning, equipment, a picture gallery, and an eclipse journal all the way back to 1979. As this page says, "Wow!""
The EclipseChaser web site is winner of the Griffith Observatory Star Award for July 5-11 1998.
- Sky Publishing (Publisher of Sky and Telescope Magazine)
- J.K. (JPL)
- G.K.
- C.W.
- M.N.
- J.W. (Springer-Verlag Heidelberg scientific publishing)
- L.B.
- M.P. (The Mining Co.)
This web page includes Total Solar Eclipse and Astronomy related articles and images. Together, these comprise an on line resource for eclipse chasers and astrophotographers. It is envisioned that this material will eventually be available in book and multimedia form. In order to allow expeditious navigation by persons with retrobrowsers (as old as Netscape 2) or slow Internet connections, graphics and frames are not used in the table of contents, and links to most articles typically indicate the size of related text and image files. This web page is administered by Jeffrey R. Charles and served by KTB. Please send relevant E-mail to Jeffrey R. Charles (jcharles * at* .
The content of this web page is intended to be equivalent to a "G" movie rating unless specifically noted "PG" in a given link or section, so this site should be suitable for visitors of all ages. The content of first level (i.e. "direct") links from this web page should be equivalent to a "G" or "PG" rating. Please E-mail Jeff Charles at Versacorp (jcharles * at* if you find that any of the direct links have ceased to be equivalent to a "G" or "PG" rating. Thank you.
No claim is expressed or implied as to the accuracy of information at this site or the performance or quality of products and services provided by vendors and service providers referred to at this site. Accordingly, Jeffrey R. Charles and Versacorp shall be held harmless with regard to all direct and consequential damages which may result from using information herein or contacting or conducting business with any referenced individuals, vendors or service providers. Further, Jeffrey R. Charles and Versacorp shall be held harmless in regard to any real, consequential, or imagined damages (and associated claims) whether said claims relate to the accessibility or inaccessibility of, use of, or actions suggested or inspired by any data, inferences, suggestions, techniques, or other aspects of material in or associated with this web page.
Material from this or any associated web page may not be broadcast, published, or otherwise reproduced unless the following conditions have been read, agreed to, and complied with by the subject users, broadcasters, publishers, or their legal representatives. These conditions include the prior express written consent of Jeffrey R. Charles and the prominent display of his copyright notice. Accordingly, anyone who reproduces, broadcasts, distributes, or commercially uses material from this or any associated web page shall be deemed to have agreed to the terms, conditions, and royalties set forth below and in the linked Legal Information Page.
All text, images, and other content (except specifically indicated quotations from others such as those in the "What people are saying about Jeff Charles' EclipseChaser web site" section) are Copyright © 1975-2006, 2008-2011, 2016, 2017 (Registered Copyrights 1998, 1999, 2010, 2017) Jeffrey R. Charles. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Relevant legal mumbo-jumbo follows: Astrophotographer's Journal, ALAT, ARDOC, Eclipse Chaser's Guide, Eclipse Chaser's Journal, and associated concepts, data, designs, images, methods, and other elements are the property of Jeffrey R. Charles. All content is protected by intellectual property laws. Any form of reproduction or posting of any part of any subject or associated document(s) at web sites other than "" or "", or any commercial use thereof (such as in a seminar, product, program, publication, broadcast, or motion picture) of data or other material in this web page, or of related material by the same author (whether said material was obtained directly or indirectly) without including this notice and without the prior express written and signed consent of Jeffrey R. Charles and all applicable contributors is strictly prohibited. Unless specifically noted otherwise, all material in this web page is the intellectual property of, and is written or produced by, Jeffrey R. Charles. Material may only be downloaded by individuals for their own private non-commercial use, subject to the conditions herein. Any use other than for private, non-commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. Use of this material is subject additional Terms and Conditions. In using this site, downloading material from this web page, or transferring said material from a cache, you are deemed to have agreed to these terms and conditions. For information about the license and/or purchase of images and/or articles (or related book, movie, or technology rights) please direct your inquiries to sales *at* Those wishing to use material from this web page in commercial or other applications not specified above should contact Jeffrey R. Charles at Versacorp (jcharles *at*
In addition to other indicated restrictions, the following conditions apply to all limited and unlimited use of all documents, data, images, or other material written or produced by Jeffrey R. Charles, served under or transferred from this web page or the domains "", "", or derived from material therein, whether said material was obtained directly or indirectly: All reproduction or use must be pre approved in writing. All permitted use, reproduction, or affixing any part of subject material to any permanent media (including magnetic media) is permitted only on the condition that every copy or fixation of said material; is not altered, modified or defaced; includes references to this home page and the names of all applicable articles and authors; and that all names, patent notices, copyright notices, authorship notices and credits are either left unmodified or are prominently displayed in or immediately adjacent to each image and article. It shall also be prominently indicated on every copy or fixation of said material that commercial and intellectual property rights to data and other material therein are not transferable. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Additional restrictions may apply. Please see the linked Legal Information Page.
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Created at this domain: 14 Feb. 1997
Last modified: 7 Oct. 2018
Links last modified: 7 Oct. 2018
Conditions of use last modified: 14 Feb. 2006
Reader comments last modified: 31 July, 1998
Copyright notice last modified: 19 Dec. 2017